Husted lab
Poster Collection
Here are a selection of posters presented by members of the lab at different meetings.
Understanding and modifying cell wall permeability to facilitate cellular nanoparticle uptake
Tommaso Angeletti, Grmay Hailu Lilay, Søren Husted
Presented at:
European Microscopy Congress, Copenhagen
Poster describes how the cell wall can be manipulated to increase nanoparticle uptake. Experimental setup using 3 different imaging techniques in combination described.
Laser ablation ICP-MS as an excellent tool to follow nutrient movement in plants
Noémie Thiébaut, Birte Martin-Bertelsen, Helle Jakobe Martens, Andreas Kjellerup Hundahl and Daniel P. Persson
Presented at:
European Workshop on Laser Ablation, Ghent 2024
Suberin restricts potassium leakage from plant roots-revealed by LA-ICP-MS bioimaging
Morten Winther Vestenaa, Francesco Minutello, Søren Husted and Daniel Pergament Persson
Presented at:
European Workshop on Laser Ablation, Ghent 2024
Tracing thin water films from the leaf surface into the plant: How the laser burns the doubt
Max Frank, Francesca Siracusa, Emil V Østergaard, Idil Ertem, Rajmund Mokso, Søren Husted
Presented at:
Norway (Nordic Plasma) and Ghent (European workshop on laser ablation)